Archive for the ‘domestic violence artwork’ Tag

Keep hope alive…

Hope Painting by Ken Day

I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.
– Dalai Lama

On this dreary, foggy day in NYC, it is important to realize that these days do not last forever. There is always a little good that can be found each day. Although the sun is not shining, the temperature is increasing, reminding us that spring is not lost forever. It will creep upon us and suddenly there will be birds chirping and flowers sprouting. The trees on our streets will grow their leaves back and provide us shade from the sunshine that will return.

Hope is what keeps us going through these dark days. Hope for a better tomorrow. Hope can keep our spirits alive, but it will not fix everything. Sometimes a little action is required. Sometimes the right POWERful push can get you back into the sunlight. Need some help keeping hope alive? Leave us a comment!

– Your POWER source

Children’s drawings about domestic violence…

Sometimes we forget that the victim is not the only person suffering. Domestic violence involves the entire house, especially the children. Children may not express themselves with words, but these drawings speak for themselves.

Isn’t it disheartening to think of all the suffering these youngsters are going through? So let’s take their advice and show them peace and love at home. Let’s teach them a good example, so they can proudly follow in their parents’ footsteps.

If you have a child’s drawing that has touched your heart, feel free to leave it in a comment so we can all benefit!

Happy Friday!

– Your POWER source

The Domestic Violence Series Exhibit

A fellow domestic violence advocate MeloD has created a foundation in Florida that uses oil paintings to convey the different phases of a violent relationship. Her website shows a sequence of nine paintings for various stages in domestic violence. Each one shows an emotion you may be feeling or have felt in the past. Some of the early photos may make you feel sad, but keep scrolling until you reach awareness and see the difference. If you are on this blog, you have already made it to awareness. P.O.W.E.R.S. Inc. can help you to continue on with introspection and eventual emergence. So do not despair and do not quit early on in the stages because what comes after will be worth it.


Many DV victims live in fear


You may feel unworthy and feel you deserve it


You may live in denial just to survive each day


Secrecy is a huge pitfall in recovery


Awareness can empower you and others to change


Introspection and guidance can help you heal


Eventually you can emerge from the darkness

What stage are you in? Do you want to progress? Keep reading this blog, join our events and P.O.W.E.R.S. Inc. can help you reach your emergence. If you enjoy this exhibit and want more information or want to purchase a print click on MeloD’s Domestic Violence Series.

Do not forget about our upcoming events. This weekend is our Equinox event in Brooklyn Heights and next week is the annual DV Walk to Restore in Marine Park. Click here for more information on registration.

– Your POWER source

Shine the Light on Domestic Violence

Remember October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month! Start getting everything purple!

The New York State Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence has a list of ways you can turn the state purple! Check it out at Shine the Light. The site contains ways to make your own ribbons, printable brochures and cards. It is a great way to show your support.

Remember that P.O.W.E.R.S. Inc. is co-sponsoring Shine the Light and we are hosting two events in October. Check them out in an earlier post! Also, if you are looking to make a donation, remember you can use our Modell’s discount card starting October 12th.

– Your POWER source

Home Sweet Home

Your house should look like this:

and not like this:

Take your first steps toward change and join the Walk to Restore on October 14th.

Sign up here

– Your POWER source

Keith Haring

New York based graffiti / visual artist and social activist Keith Haring (1958 – 1990) created this “Logo Against Family Violence” in 1989.


To learn more about Haring and view his encouraging artwork, visit

Children can join in on the fun at the official Keith Haring site for kids (there’s an interactive coloring book with inspirational images):

The Power of Art

Many survivors of abuse find healing and encouragement from the arts, whether it be through the process of creating an original work, such as a painting, song or photograph, or be it through the role of actively observing and experiencing a work of art.

This inspiring piece, “Giacomond”, was created by German-born artist Quint Buchholz in 1984.


“Dream and give yourself permission to envision a You that you choose to be.” – Joy Page